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Welcome to the Norsewear Community. This is where we share the real moments—photos, messages, and comments from folks who put Norsewear to the test. From the rugged outdoors to everyday adventures, we’re proud to share these moments here.
What people say

Hi there. My hubby’s Uncle used to come into the shop and buy your “seconds” socks. He has since moved to the South Island. Do you still have these available? He’s desperately in need of new socks

Best hiking socks I've ever had!

I love both the Possum Hiker & the Adventurer!


Winter season with matching sets 💕❄️

Best soxs in the world, ordering my yearly supply to UK

Just received my socks. Omg every kiwi should do their part and buy their socks from Norsewear. A kiwi icon that supports its people and our wool growers

Norsewear socks are the absolute best! 🧦🦦

Fabulous socks, get them sent all the way to WA 🙂

NZ Farming
Who else owns shares in Norsewear? Show us your winter washing setups.
Credit: Cece James

WaringCenrer 05
"Dear Norsewear, ALL our Mum's and Dad's are working harder, and longer days due to Cyclone Gaberielle. Life has been pretty disrupted in many ways.Even though they are busy dealing with front-line mahi, charity/paperwork, water restrictions, moving homes, and FLOODING, we are doing our best to keep spirits HIGH and having FUN playing in our new socks!! THANK YOU so much,Love the kids of Tairawhiti..."(Hundreds more going out over the next few weeks wahoo).

Thought you might like to see this very old (at least 25yo) hat getting a refresh
Love your stuff!